A Reminder of the New Rules for the Fishing Season

From the 11th February 2021 till and including 31st March 2021 All Salmon, Wild or Farmed must by law are returned to the river irrespective of their condition. There are no exceptions. This will continue until such time the Scottish Government advise differently.

With the River being Cat3 for the 2021 season the following must be adhered to.

As of the 1st April 2021 till the 30th September 2021 all members must return all Salmon, Wild or Farmed.

The above has been implemented within the Salmon and Freshwater Fisheries act 2003.

As of the 1st October till 31st October each year you as anglers will be required to return all Salmon, Wild or Farmed and Sea-Trout. Irrespective of their condition. There are no exceptions.

Grayling are catch and release with no exception.

Why are there restrictions on catching Salmon and Sea-Trout? The Scottish Government have suggested that we have a conservation plan in place whilst following the rules laid out in the Salmon and Freshwater Fisheries act 2003.